Do you want to increase your chances of being published? Choosing the right journal for your paper is an important step in your publishing journey. Publishing in the right journal can help disseminate your research and support your career, and vice versa.
Which journal is right for your submission?
If you’re just starting out in your research career, this question might be one of the first challenges you face. There are so many relevant journals out there. But which one is going to give you the best chances of publishing successfully? Based on the expert advice of our editors, we’ve put together the guide below to give you an overview of the questions you need to ask and the points you need to consider in order to choose the right journal for your work.
Infographic from “Choosing the Right Journal for Your Research” by Vicky Kinsman, Assistant Marketing Manager, Wiley.
Free webinar and further practical tips on choosing the right journal
Join Dr. Julia Kostova, executive editor at Wiley’s Global Research division, for our free webinar “How to Find the Right Journal for Your Paper”! Learn how to find the right match for your paper and increase your chance of success. We will talk through how to assess the fit of a journal for your research and career and will also show you how to check your funder requirements.
Read more on this topic in the Wiley network: “6 Steps to Choosing the Right Journal for Your Research” by Helen Eassom.
How do you choose where to submit your work? Let us know in the comments section below what choosing the right journal means to you.
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