Weekly Dose of Science

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Nanowissenschaften und Nanotechnologie

Nanowissenschaften und Nanotechnologie

Das Wort „Nano“ stammt aus dem Griechischen und bedeutet Zwerg. In den Naturwissenschaften wird „nano“ seit langer Zeit als Vorsilbe für Einheiten benutzt und bedeutet 10−9, genauso wie „mikro“ 10−6 bedeutet oder „kilo“ 103. Im Zusammenhang mit der Nanotechnologie...
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“Gene theft” between two Species of Green Frogs

“Gene theft” between two Species of Green Frogs

The Water Frog Pelophylax esculenta (top) is a hybrid species between the Marsh Frog P. ridibunda (bottom right) and the Pool Frog P. lessonae (bottom left; photo: Benny Trapp). Whereas the somatic cells of the Water Frog contain the genomes of both parental species,...
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Wozu brauchen Elektrotechniker die Quantenmechanik?

Wozu brauchen Elektrotechniker die Quantenmechanik?

Leucht- und Laserdioden Leucht- und Laserdioden sind die Bauelemente, die für Erzeugung von elektromagnetischer Strahlung in Handys oder Fernsteuerungsgeräten, aber auch bei Konversion des elektrischen Stromes für optische Datenübertragung angewandt werden....
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Polymer science in your contact lenses

Polymer science in your contact lenses

Early Contact Lenses The correction of vision using contact lenses is a very challenging problem. One constraint arises from the fact that the eye needs oxygen to carry out its metabolic processes, and obviously cannot tolerate a complicated network of arteries and...
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Breeding rabbits: Are Interactions Important?

Breeding rabbits: Are Interactions Important?

Imaginary Rabbit Breeding Many of us have learned that, when experimenting with several factors, we must investigate one factor at a time, keeping all others fixed. This method makes it all but impossible to detect factor interactions. A common response to this is...
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Are You Ready for Powdered Alcohol?

Are You Ready for Powdered Alcohol?

The Controversy You should be because in March, 2015 the controversial powdered alcohol product called Palcohol® received approval from the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB). As part of the US Treasury Department, the TTB has the authority to review the...
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